Post 7

A bike ride through the bushes, mostly a walk.

Levi The Great, eating marshmellows.

Juliana The Flower. And yes, she's just as sweet as she looks.

This is at the annual July 4th concert and fireworks show. There was a hilicopter shining a light overhead.

Ahh, it's the wonderful Robinsons. This is Rachel, smiling away. She's got a sharp mind, but has a challenge when it comes working her body. Very intelligent. Understands everything that goes on. Learning all the time. She can tell you anything with her expressions. I mean that, anything. If she wants to tell you something, she will, no matter how long it takes. And if you listen close, she can even say a few words now, including one of my favorites "Bear". She's getting pretty good at walking with a walker now. I told her, "One of these days you'll say, 'I don't need that old walker any more, all I do is trip over it.' And you'll have to throw it out."

Maggie Robinson

Abby Robinson. Nice smile huh?

Rachel and I.

Good ole James.

Mom and Pops, getting the giggles.

There's a good one of Mom.

Jeriah and Clay. Clay is a Rothenhauser. There is Mrs. Rothenhauser, Mary, and Clay. Clay's dad was a wonderfull man, I had a good talk with him once. He loved the Lord and his family. Raised some wonderful kids. I remeber when I was first getting to know the Rothenhausers, I noticed how Clay and Mary loved each other. They were so kind. But he suprised everone including himself, and went to see Jesus a few years back. Clay was about 7. They are a wonderful family. Jeriah is a sort of mentor for Clay.

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   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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